SPRbus is the event bus used in SPR to send and subscribe to events.
- db is listening for events and store these in a database
- packet logs send events when netfilter rules are triggered
- api for notifications
- api publish event for access log
- dns send events on domain lookup or block
Available events
- auth:success
- auth:failure
- dns:block:event
- dns:blockrebind:event
- dns:override:event
- dns:serve:clientip (Ex:
- dhcp:request
- dhcp:response
- dhcp:update
- device:save
- device:tags:update
- device:groups:update
- log:api
- log:www:access
- nft:lan:in
- nft:lan:out
- nft:wan:in
- nft:wan:out
- nft:drop:private
- nft:drop:forward
- nft:drop:input
- nft:drop:mac
- wg:update
- wifi:auth:fail
- wifi:auth:success
- wifi:station:disconnect
Example Events
- wifi:auth:success is published when a device connects
- device:save is published when a device is updated
View the API documentation for sprbus here
By default log:api, dns:block:event, dns:override:event, dns:serve: events are stored in the database. The log items can be viewed under System -> Logs. If you want to store more events you can add them in the web ui under System -> System Info -> Database.
Command line tools
See cmd/main.go
cd cmd/; make
./sprbus --help
./sprbus --addr
example topics
#www and api logs
./sprbus -t log
# device and wifi events
./sprbus -t device,wifi
#network traffic
./sprbus -t nft
network traffic in json, no timeout and pipe to jq
./sprbus -t nft -j --timeout 0 | jq .
publish test event
./sprbus -t test:event -p '{"msg": "testevent1234"}'
example showing how to publish events.
See example/main.go
using default sprbus:
//publish json string
sprbus.PublishString("wifi:station:event", "{\"json\": \"data\"}")
//publish object
sprbus.Publish("www:auth:user:fail", map[string]string{"username": username})
go sprbus.HandleEvent("wifi", func (topic string, json string) {
fmt.Println("wifi event", topic, json)
Custom unix socket server and client
See example/main.go for code to setup a custom unix socket server and client