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13 posts tagged with "SPR"

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· 4 min read

Alerting Made Easy

We've rolled out a lightweight alerting mechanism built right inside of SPR.

So SPR already has an event system and we wanted to improve the existing notification system as well as persist alerts for later.

We wanted something with the following properties:

  • Allow powerful matching expressions
  • Work with our lightweight key-value database for concurrent access
  • Minimal system performance impact
  • User Customizable, in UX with minimal coding

The stack

We carry extensive experience building threat detection products in the infosec space. Typically these have been substantial systems where event and graph databases manage petabytes of information, and reports get generated as part of data pipelines or by processing during ingestion.

We wanted to keep it simple. So this is the stack we've settled on for alerts:

  • Run alert matching during event ingestion
  • Keep using BoltDB as a KV which scales well and is already built
  • Use PaesslerAG/jsonpath and gval for JSONPath expressions and evaluation
  • Extensible later with custom operators and functions. We get this from gval
  • UX with our React frontend

For advanced users, exporting to InfluxDB, Splunk, or ELK can be done with the sprbus tools or by pulling the API for events, so threat detection experts can integrate SPR data into more sophisticated detection tools.

Expression Matching with JSONPath

Let's quickly take a tour of JSONPath.


JSONPath is a query syntax for matching fields of a JSON Object.

Consider the event below

"MAC": "30:58:90:32:7d:e5",
"Reason": "mismatch",
"Status": "",
"Type": "wpa",
"time": "2024-02-02T04:10:19.511662376Z",
"bucket": "wifi:auth:fail",
"MeaningOfLife": 42

To retrieve the MeaningOfLife field, we can construct the following path:

$.MeaningOfLife which returns 42.

Looking at the basic operators for JSONPath, its very much built to recurse objects and iterate through arrays. alerts-custom

So suppose we have an array of events, we can build a filter expression to query for matches.

"MAC": "30:58:90:32:7d:e5",
"Reason": "mismatch",
"Status": "",
"Type": "wpa",
"time": "2024-02-02T04:10:19.511662376Z",
"bucket": "wifi:auth:fail",
"MeaningOfLife": 42

To pull out events with MeaningOfLife 42, we would apply this query:


We could also use other mathematical comparisons


Or with gval we can even add numbers


Other useful ways to match are regular expressions on strings:



The best part is we don't need a SQL schema to get started. JSONPath work for all of the events in SPR. It may seem a bit intimidating at first, and we hide out some of the extra syntax $[?@(.)]. However, this provides a lot of flexibility and is relatively easy once you get the hang of it.


To simplify rule writing we allow multiple JSONPath queries and provide toggles for inverting logic as well as Match One (OR) or Match Any (AND). Each JSONPath query can match on multiple fields too.

The JSONPath query language is also available under the events search view for searching.

Customizability & Decorators

Alerts can Notify in the UI or they can sit on the Alerts page for triaging. When defining an alert, users can fill out the 'Title' and 'Body' for the alert to display. These support a templating language, for populating text with fields from the Alert Event. Furthermore, we've added a few decorators with hashtags to convert identifiers to device icons or go from something like a MAC address to a device name or IP Address.

Templates expand event fields inside of curly brackets as elow: MAC Mismatch IP Violation {{IP.SrcIP#Device}} {{IP.SrcIP}} {{Ethernet.SrcMAC}} to {{IP.DstIP}} {{Ethernet.DstMAC}}

Check out the guide for more details about how to configure alerts.

Need a feature?

If you'd like to see more added or have a question, don't hesitate to file a github issue or reach out on our discord


· 5 min read

What a year it's been for the Secure Programmable Router (SPR) project! We've made great strides in empowering users to take control of their networks, prioritize privacy, and unlock network configurability. Let's dive right into the highlights of 2023 and peek at what's in store for the future.


Major Accomplishments:

  • iOS App Launch: We've extended network management to your fingertips with the release of our official iOS app on the App Store. We're thankful to our users from almost each and every region on the App Store.
  • PLUS Membership: Our community now has the option to support the project with PLUS and unlock advanced features like:
    • Mesh networking for seamless coverage with multiple APs
    • Site VPN support for selectively routing traffic through a remote Wireguard VPN
    • Advanced firewall rules with scheduling, domain name, and regular expression support
  • Shipping Dev Kits. After the global supply chain crunch, we're proud to be shipping dev kits to users
  • Microsegmentation for Containers: We've taken SPR's container support to the next level with integrated container microsegmentation, enabling granular control over container and interface traffic.
  • VLAN Trunk Support: SPR can work as a wired firewall as well. Connect devices to your SPR network securely through a managed switch, with SPR terminating a VLAN Trunk Port.
  • Expanded Network Visibility: Our new event bus, database, and configurable alerting mechanism provide key insights into network activity, empowering users to detect and troubleshoot issues effectively and analyze IOT & device traffic.

Thank you to our users!

  • We Build For You: We're incredibly grateful for our active user base and their invaluable suggestions. Your feedback drives our development roadmap! Join the conversation on Discord or create a GitHub request to share your ideas. Many of SPR's capabilities come from requests. Some of the feature requests that have landed are wifi scanning from the UI, the lan_upstream tag for restricting and managing access to upstream local networks to enable secure router chaining, and load balancing support across multiple Uplink interfaces.

  • Privacy and Ad Blocking Excellence: SPR continues to excel as a self-hosted WireGuard + DNS Ad block solution, offering unmatched configurability with per-device rules, easy exception management, and upstream DNS over HTTPS support for enhanced privacy. Users can get these capabilities by self hosting in the cloud as well as running SPR at home as a router.

  • Network Debugging Made Easy: Users have been able to use SPR to successfully debug connectivity issues with devices like Ring cameras, pinpointing problems with Amazon's cloud services rather than home Wi-Fi although Ring may say otherwise.

  • Uncovering Unauthorized Access: Event logs have helped users identify and address unauthorized access attempts, including scenarios like accidental connections from new neighbors moving in.

  • Speedier WiFi: Even with our Raspberry Pi dev kits, users report impressive speeds between 500-700 Mbps over USB3, surpassing their previous routers. With MT7915/6 cards, SPR users today can enjoy actual WiFi 6 gigabit (1000+ Mbps) connectivity over 2 spatial streams as measured with iperf3.

Technical Research:

  • Unscathed by MacStealer: SPR's design was further validated by the MacStealer (CVE-2022-47522) flaws. MacStealer bypassed most Client Isolation approaches due to state errors in low level firmware with MAC address handling. SPR's per-device VLAN and per-device password approach is totally immune to this category of protocol flaws.

  • Research AP in Scapy: We've developed functional WPA2 AP research scripts in Scapy for working with Wi-Fi frames, compatible with mac80211_hwsim and real wireless cards. (

  • Turtles WiFi Hacking While waiting for the supply chain to unlock at the start of the year, we put together some wifi security training focused on protocol. We actually let people boot a kernel for a self hosted wireless lab, in the browser. Or people can play offline in containers. This is a bit different than other labs which teach people to run prebuilt software as we guide people towards working at the packet level. Check it out here


2023's Hardware In Pictures

pi4 Pi4 with a Mediatek MT76-based USB3 Adapter

pi4 Solidrun Clearfog Dev Kit

The Road Ahead:

  • Empowering Plugins: Our next major focus is facilitating community-built plugins. We've already created prototypes for Tailscale support and mitmproxy, and we're working on UI integration and streamlined installation to make plugin usage as seamless as possible without sacrificing security.
  • PI5 Router with WiFi-6: Our next hardware device will be a a PI5-based router packaged with wifi-6 support.
  • Eliminating firmware risk We're also developing software to eliminate firmware attack surfaces with WiFi.

Join the Movement:

We invite you to be part of the SPR journey! Contribute to development, share your feedback, and help us shape the future of open-source networking. Together, we can build a more secure, private, and customizable internet experience for everyone.

Visit our website and GitHub repository to learn more and get involved

· 3 min read


This guide allows you to setup your own cloud VPN using SPR for $4/month on the DigitalOcean Marketplace. It features ad blocking, firewall rules, and device micro-segmentation.

If you want to dive in directly: Click here to create a droplet using the SPR image. Else, follow along in the steps below.

Step 1 - Create a SPR Droplet

To create a SPR Droplet from the Digital Ocean marketplace, press the Create SPR Droplet button:

Pressing the button will take you to the DigitalOcean control panel. If you are not logged into your DigitalOcean account, you need to login. If you don't have an account, you can sign up for one.

Step 2 - Configure your droplet

Select a region & be sure to create a SSH key if you don't have one configured already.

For Droplet Size, the smallest $4/month with 512 MB RAM is enough but feel free to choose another one.

After you've made all your choices, press Create droplet.

Step 3 - Access your droplet

In the droplet listing you can see the IP address, click Get started to see the tutorial and how to access you server.

Step 4 - Generate a VPN Key and Connect

cd /home/spr/super && ./

You can scan the QR Code generated from the terminal

Step 5 -- Connecting to SPR

To connect to the SPR UI/API, it's possible to connect via the VPN, or to connect with an SSH tunnel

For the ssh tunnel approach, reconnect to the droplet, with forwarding options

ssh [email protected]  -N -L 8000:

Then navigate to localhost:8000. The password is auto generated by the droplet and presented on the first login .

[+] login information:
http tunnel: ssh -N -L 8000:
url: http://localhost:8000/
username: admin
password: SmczeGzcEPbBmQEi
token: 6Yd2MtMSkm0TiDG2ZIWqoFqxgiHN9HzRJ24m/U8HKw4=

You can update the admin password by modifying /home/spr/super/configs/auth/auth_users.json directly.

Alternately, when connected to the VPN, the default address for the SPR frontend will be at This can be updated under the 'supernetworks' panel.


With this guide we've described how to setup virtual SPR to get a secure, self-hosted VPN for $4/month. The setup allows you to route and redirect traffic, block ads, and automate networks tasks.

See the spr-virtual-image-build repository on GitHub for how the image is built.

Read more about running SPR in the cloud in the Virtual SPR Guide.

· 3 min read


This guide shows how to setup a new E2 instance in Google Cloud, allow VPN access in firewall and install Virtual SPR. The result is a private VPN with a custom DNS server able to block ads, log traffic, and more features included in SPR.

For a more general and in-depth guide see the Virtual SPR Guide.

Setup Account

Skip this section if you already have an Google Cloud account & a project setup.

Go to Google Cloud & sign in with a Google account, or create a new one and enable Google Cloud. Google have a Free Tier where you get $300 in free credits when signing up as a new customer. Continue by creating a Payment Profile.

When done click New Project in the top menu dropdown and pick a name for your project.

Create Instance

In the top navigation menu go to Compute Engine and click VM Instances.

Click Enable if you haven't used the service before. If promped to create a project, pick a name for it & click Create.

Click Create Instance.

Select a name for your instance & pick a region.

For Series go with E2 and Machine type for the least expensive alternative.

Under Boot disk click Change:

Select and save:

  • Operating System Ubuntu
  • Version Ubuntu 22.04 LTS x86/64

Expand Advanced options, then Networking, scroll down to Network interfaces and click default. Select External IPv4 address and click Create IP address to assign a static IP address for your instance.

The default settings is fine for the other options. Now click Create to boot up the instance.

Firewall rules for VPN access

In the navigation go to VPC Network and click Firewall. Click Create Firewall Rule at the top of the page.

Settings in screenshot:

  • Name allow-wireguard
  • Diretion of Traffic ingress
  • Network default
  • Targets All instances in the network all is fine, specify a target if you run more instances
  • Source Filter IP ranges
  • Source IP Ranges or if you know the range you will be connecting from
  • Protocols and Ports UDP and 51280
  • Second Source filter None

Note: This only allows connections to the instance, WireGuard will authorize clients when connecting.

Access instance & install SPR

Your instance should be available under Compute Engine -> VM Instances. Click SSH in the listing:

A browser window should popup with a terminal. Run the SPR virtual installer with sudo:

sudo bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Check out the source for here.

If you want to add another device, just run the setup script again:

cd super
sudo ./

Now you have a WireGuard VPN config ready, either scan the QR Code or paste the config into the WireGuard client.

For more information on setting up the client see the Virtual SPR Guide on how to connect your VPN client to the instance.

· 3 min read


This guide shows how to setup Virtual SPR on a Micro Tier Instance on AWS, and connect to it using WireGuard VPN.

The result is a private VPN with a custom DNS server able to block ads, log traffic, and more features included in SPR.

For a more general and in-depth guide see the Virtual SPR Guide.

Create a Instance

Sign in to AWS Console and navigate to Instances in the menu. Click Launch Instances for your selected region.

Name your instance and select Ubuntu and 64-bit (x86) as architecture under OS Images.

For instance type choose any micro tier eligible for free, t2.micro is used in the example.

If you already have a keypair that you want to use, select it under Key pair or click Create new key pair, save the .pem-file to your ~/.ssh directory and make sure only your user can read it.

Allow VPN access

Under Network settings click Edit and scroll down to Add security group rule. Select UDP & port 5128, "vpn" as description and if you want to allow access from a specific source ip or range.

Click Launch Instance in the bottom right.

Install Virtual SPR

Navigate to Instances, the newly created instance should be available in the listing and shown as Running, click it. Copy the value under Public IPv4 address and ssh into the box as the ubuntu user:

ssh -i ~/.ssh/awsspr.pem ubuntu@paste-ipv4-address-here

NOTE You can also use the Instance Connect-feature if you don't have access to a ssh client. Click Connect under the Instance Summary to get access to a terminal.

Run the SPR virtual installer with sudo:

sudo bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

NOTE: If the script cannot get the public ip address of the instance from one of the network interfaces, it will ask to fetch this from Answer yes to fetch this or edit this later (Endpoint in the WireGuard config).

The script will download the SPR repository and run (you can also checkout the repository and run the script manually if you want to inspect the script before running it.)

If you want to add another device, just run the setup script again:

cd super
sudo ./

Now you have a WireGuard VPN config ready, either scan the QR Code or paste the config into the WireGuard client.

For more information on setting up the client see the Virtual SPR Guide on how to connect your VPN client to the instance.

· 2 min read


This guide shows how to setup Virtual SPR on a DigitalOcean Droplet and connect to it using WireGuard VPN.

For a more general and in-depth guide see the Virtual SPR Guide.

Create a Droplet

Login to DigitalOcean and click Create Droplet.

Select prefered Region and Datacenter (Amsterdam and AMS3 in the example), go with default Ubuntu 22.04 x64 for OS and version.

For Droplet Size, the smallest $4/month Basic with 512 MB RAM is enough but feel free to choose another one.

If you already have a ssh key configured for a project you can choose the pubkey or click New SSH Key for Choose Authentication Method.

Click Create Droplet & wait for it to spin up.

Install Virtual SPR

When the droplet has started, copy the ipv4 address and ssh into the box using your ssh key as root:

ssh -i .ssh/id_rsa root@paste-ipv4-address-here

Run the SPR virtual installer as root on the droplet:

bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

The script will download the SPR repository and run (you can also checkout the repository and run the script manually if you want to inspect the script before running it.)

If you want to add another device, just run the setup script again:

cd super

Now you have a WireGuard VPN config ready, either scan the QR Code or paste the config into the WireGuard client.

For more information on setting up the client see the Virtual SPR Guide on how to connect your VPN client to the droplet instance.

· 4 min read


This guide will show how to setup virtual SPR and connect to it using a WireGuard VPN client from your phone or desktop computer.

The result is a private VPN with a custom DNS server able to block ads, log traffic, and more.

Quick install

sudo bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Open WireGuard & scan the QR Code/import config - Done!

Virtual SPR Install

What you need

  • A linux server running Ubuntu 22.04
  • If there is a firewall port 51280/udp needs to be open for incoming traffic
  • WireGuard (© Jason A. Donenfeld) installed on your client phone or desktop

Run Virtual Installer

sudo bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

What the script does

  • downloads the latest SPR repository from
  • downloads prebuilt docker images
  • generate default configs
  • setup admin password and auth token for API access
  • start SPR
  • add a VPN peer and output the WireGuard config

You can also download the script if you want to check it out or add blocklists for ads:

curl -s -O
chmod +x
sudo DNS_BLOCK=hosts,ads,tracking,redirects ./

See here for available blocklists.

Example to block DNS requests to adservers and social media:

sudo DNS_BLOCK=ads,tracking,facebook,tiktok ./

If you want to change the admin password you can edit the file configs/base/auth_users.json

Running the script you should see login info, a QR Code & the WireGuard client config. Example:

[+] WireGuard config: (save this as wg.conf & import in client)

PrivateKey = privkey
Address =

PublicKey = pubkey
AllowedIPs =, ::/0
Endpoint =
PersistentKeepalive = 25
PresharedKey = psk

If you want to connect to the VPN using a desktop client, save the config as wg.conf on your local computer.

Configure the VPN client on your device

For iOS and Android

Scan the QR Code in the official WireGuard App (iOS, Android) to import your VPN profile.

Linux, macOS and Windows

Click "Add empty tunnel..." paste the config and set a name for the tunnel. Or, if you saved the config to a file:

  • Open your WireGuard client and click "Import tunnel(s) from file"
  • Select the wg.conf file
  • Click Activate

Admin interface

Make sure you're connected to the VPN endpoint & browse to to access the admin interface.

Login using the credentials shown in the output from the script or if you set the password manually (NOTE you can check the login info by running SKIP_VPN=1 ./

If you prefer to use curl:

$ curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

Checkout the documentation to get started using the SPR API.

Modify Blocklists

In the admin interface you can enable more blocklists by clicking Blocklists/Ad-block under DNS:

SPR comes bundled with the hosts file from and the blocklists from the repository, including: redirect, ads, facebook, twitter, malware, porn, redirect, tracking, youtube, everything

If something is missing you can always add custom blocklists or block specific domains.

View traffic

Navigate to DNS Log in the DNS category, select the client to get a log of domains:

Here you can also add more blocks, domain overrides if you want to allow something temporarily, delete logs or disable them completely under Settings.

It is also possible to get more detail traffic for connections under Traffic:

Outro and random notes

You can remove lan from your device groups for a device but its needed to access the admin interface.

SPR is configured to use DNS over HTTPs when resolving domains. You can modify the Coredns configuration under configs/dns/Corefile

· 4 min read

Building a Home WiFi Network

Putting together a home network has several subtly annoying security tradeoffs.

Users want

  • Ease of Use & Connectivity

    Maximized by keeping devices maximally connected with a simple passphrase

  • Privacy and Security

    Maximized by keeping devices minimally connected. And ideally offline 🦦

If the goal is a bit of both, how to do segmentation correctly quickly becomes a bit of a puzzle

What's the Best Way to Chain Your Routers?

The "Secure Router" can be considered the Work From Home access point, and the "Guest Router" can be considered the Guest, Personal, or IOT access point.

The Worst Choice

Option #3 is to connect the internet to the secure router, and then plug the guest router into the secure router. Guests and untrustworthy devices can connect to the guest router.

This might make sense intuitively for some. You put the Secure Router close to the internet since that's where all the internet traffic will go out from, and if the Guest Router is compromised, it can't intercept traffic.

However, since the Guest Router is a Peer on the Secure Router network's LAN, every "Guest" station and the router will be able to reach the secure router and devices on the secure network LAN.

Unless either the Guest Router can block requests to the Secure LAN with its firewall, or the Secure Router can isolate the port for the Guest Router for only internet access, this is not an accepted best practice.

Split ESSIDs

Option #1 is to share a router for both SSIDs, with one ESSID and password for the Secure LAN and one for the Guest LAN.

The expectation is that devices can not send packets across the two LANs.

The great tradeoff with this is that if a user wants to control their IOT devices they have to switch to the guest network. And if device isolation is enabled on the guest network, devices won't be able to communicate at all. So as security improves, usability decreases.

The guest isolation may also be insufficient. The shared passphrase implies MITM capabilities, and passive traffic decryption capabilities with WPA2 or active decryption capabilities with WPA3.

Some routers place both ESSIDs on the SAME LAN. Usually this allows the secure devices to reach the guest devices. Usability has been increased, but this often leads to subtle flaws that allow the guest devices to bypass their isolation entirely.

Another upside to this approach is that bandwidth can be shared for the ESSIDs, reducing wasted WiFi spectrum.

Overall, this is an accepted best practice, but it comes down to the details where very quickly users are trading off security for usability.

The Best of the Three: Guest Router First, Secure Router Second

Option #2 is the recommended and accepted best practice. The Guest router connects directly to the internet, and the Secure router plugs into the Guest Router.

This approach yields a favorable combination of security and usability. Devices on the secure LAN can access devices on the Guest LAN, which is great for controlling IOT devices. And devices on the Guest LAN have no way to initiate communication to devices on the Secure LAN, blocked by the Secure Router firewall.

The main downsides: The guest router could have ISP credentials, and could MITM internet traffic if compromised by an untrusted device.

Multi PSK & VLANs

Today's most featureful home routers offer support for one passphrase per device. This solves many of the MITM and decryption issues for guest isolation. The devices can be placed into VLANs with unique WiFi passphrases, GTKs, and secure firewall rules creating truly strong isolation. These mechanisms provide powerful mechanisms for designing a home network securely.

This is the approach SPR follows, and we've spearheaded Multi-PSK with WPA3. SPR provides maximum isolation capabilities by placing each station into its own LAN. Users can then easily create groups of interconnected devices.

SPR Supports Plugging into An Existing Router Securely

We recommend running SPR by plugging it into an existing router. To support securely doing this, by default -- the firewall will block access to private network addresses over the upstream interface.

This prevents devices connected to SPR from accessing devices on the LAN of the current router.

To allow a device access to private network addresses upstream, users can apply the lan_upstream tag to the device.

And then manage the tag in the Devices view

· 2 min read

SPR's WPA3 Multiple Passwords per SSID Surprises People

WiFi nerds and people working on WiFi products have shared their surprise with me a few times now about the integration for multi-PSK with WPA3. This is something already mostly built into HostAP so it should be possible anywhere, although it is not obvious from the documentation. I'm told that most other projects simply don't do it, putting SPR at the head of the pack! In this post I'll share how it's integrated, so that others can benefit from the ideas and improve WiFi security for people all around the world.

WPA3 Authentication is Fundamentally Different

WPA3 authentication uses Dragonfly, a Zero-Knowledge Proof in its Simulataneous Authentication of Equals Handshake protocol. With SAE there is nothing to sniff and crack offline from the key exchange. This is in contrast to WPA/WPA2 which is notorious for password cracking of weak passwords from captured handshakes -- or even more conteniently, by using the RSN IE specification flaw.

For Multi-PSK, a router can go down the list of stored PSKs and try each key and see if it had a matching one. For WPA3, this is not possible. Authenticating a password requires an interactive zero knowledge proof, so a new handshake is required to try a different password.

SPR Uses HostAP's MAC Assignment

PSKs are assigned by MAC address. HostAP finds the passphrase to use by MAC address to perform the authentication, using the correct PSK the first time around for the interactive proof.

The syntax for hostapd.conf to assign multiple devices is as follows:


Adding Device is Seamless

Adding devices is an easy process. If a user does know a MAC address, they can certainly specify the MAC address ahead of time. However, SPR can use a wildcard MAC to match a new incoming device. When the device authenticates, that PSK will be assigned to the device.


Devices Workflow

First, go to the add device modal and add a device name and hit next

Next, scan the QR code or type the passphrase on a new device

Upon connection the UI will notify success and the PSK will be assigned to the MAC

· 3 min read


In this post we'll cover how to configure hostapd with the mt7915 to run 160 MHz channels over 5ghz. This allows stations to break gigabit speeds for WiFi with only 2 spatial streams.



  • Set up your AP device according to the SPR Setup Guide
  • For mt7915, run a mainline kernel or a kernel with fixes from and the latest firmware. I'll publish some updates to building SPR with these in the near future. Fixes are needed for DFS support.

Hostapd configuration

  1. Modify config/wifi/hostpad.conf
  2. Make sure vht_capab includes [VHT160] and [SHORT-GI-160]
  3. Make sure to set vht_oper_chwidth/he_oper_chwidth set to 2.
  4. For the channel configuration, the following are valid 160mhz centers on 5ghz: [50, 114, 163]. Set the vht/he_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx to these values and the channel to the center value - 14.
  5. Set ieee80211ax to 1
wpa_key_mgmt=WPA-PSK WPA-PSK-SHA256 SAE

# Security parameters

# Isolate stations and per-station group keys

# Mitigate krack attack


# Passwords

  1. Restart hostapd
root@pirouter:~/super# docker compose restart wifid

If anything has gone wrong, check the docker compose logs for the wifid service.

Perf Test

Running iperf3 on the SPR device, and iperf3 on a client with AX210 chip, we see the following:


iw wls6 info

Interface wls6
ifindex 5
wdev 0x1
addr 00:0a:52:07:32:c9
ssid testlab
type AP
wiphy 0
channel 100 (5500 MHz), width: 160 MHz, center1: 5570 MHz
txpower 23.00 dBm
multicast TXQ:
qsz-byt qsz-pkt flows drops marks overlmt hashcol tx-bytes tx-packets
0 0 246 0 0 0 0 27114 272

iperf3 -s

On the station:

iperf3 -c

Performance results

Accepted connection from, port 56156
[ 5] local port 5201 connected to port 56158
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate
[ 5] 0.00-1.00 sec 139 MBytes 1.17 Gbits/sec
[ 5] 1.00-2.00 sec 126 MBytes 1.06 Gbits/sec
[ 5] 2.00-3.00 sec 141 MBytes 1.18 Gbits/sec
[ 5] 3.00-4.00 sec 137 MBytes 1.15 Gbits/sec
[ 5] 4.00-5.00 sec 152 MBytes 1.27 Gbits/sec
[ 5] 5.00-6.00 sec 153 MBytes 1.28 Gbits/sec
[ 5] 6.00-7.00 sec 155 MBytes 1.30 Gbits/sec
[ 5] 7.00-8.00 sec 148 MBytes 1.24 Gbits/sec
[ 5] 8.00-9.00 sec 145 MBytes 1.21 Gbits/sec
[ 5] 9.00-10.00 sec 119 MBytes 995 Mbits/sec
[ 5] 10.00-10.00 sec 482 KBytes 1.22 Gbits/sec